If you live within our Practice boundary, you can register as a patient at Eden Surgeries using the coloured links below.
Please select either our Hatfield Heath or Hatfield Broad Oak Surgery, depending on which is the most convenient. You will have access to the same clinical team and services and can request appointments at either surgery.
The online form should take about 10 minutes to complete, and it will take about 2 working days to get you registered.
You will need to have your NHS number at hand, and we will ask you to list any ongoing conditions and repeat prescriptions so that we can manage your health needs with immediate effect.
You will allocated a named accountable GP but will have access to any of our clinicians subject to availability.
Find your NHS number here.
Named Accountable GP information
If at any point you find it difficult to complete the form then please pop into either surgery to register using an alternative method, or you can request a paper form via email.
Our Practice Area
The area that Eden covers is pre-determined by the Herts & West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB).
View our practice area map here.
If you live within this boundary, you wil lbe able to register as an Eden Patient and recieve the full range of primary care services available.